Air quality: time to clean your ventilation ducts
People are very aware of the risks and disadvantages associated with unhealthy environments, especially when it comes to the air inside their buildings. They’re especially sensitive to it.
If home and business owners are to make their air treatment and filtration systems a priority, they mustn’t forget about cleaning their ventilation ducts. This type of maintenance is crucial for ensuring the loyalty of customers and the productivity of personnel.
Quality begins with what you don’t see
Good indoor air quality (IAQ) relies on an adequate supply of fresh air, which is “conditioned” by means of effective mechanical ventilation. For these purposes, there are several systems: simple extraction, simple supply and balanced. In the commercial sector, balanced systems are the appropriate choice, as they not only ensure that the extracted air is offset by a supply of incoming air but also effectively integrate all of the equipment that is necessary to ensure maximum comfort, including an exchanger, air recovery unit, air conditioner, filter, heating element and humidifier.
All of this integrated air treatment equipment relies, in turn, on a network of ventilation ducts. Considering that a lot of air circulates long distances through these ducts, that the filtration systems can’t capture all of it and that the settings may not have been done correctly, the more prosaic question of cleaning the ducts remains. The fact is that this type of maintenance is what fundamentally guarantees good indoor air quality.
Ventilation systems (exhaust and return) turn the ducts into spaces where elements that are harmful to our health can potentially accumulate and even be dispersed. Dust, allergens, mold and chemical pollutants can all take up residence there. This residue increases in concentration over time and must be evacuated from the system on a regular basis.
Don’t allow your building to become associated with SBS
IAQ isn’t some theoretical measurement, standard or ideal that’s far removed from commercial reality. On the contrary, it’s a very real concern that quickly demonstrates its significance whenever it isn’t quite right. People begin exhibiting symptoms after their shift at work or after spending a few hours at a business.
Once they leave the premises, the symptoms usually disappear within a fairly short time. Victims may complain of sinus congestion, shortness of breath, headache, nausea, fatigue, dry throat, eye irritation and other discomfort. The long-term negative effects on the health of the exposed consumers, workers and residents can pile up, leading to respiratory ailments like asthma, for example.
The only way to prevent health problems like these—which can end up being very costly in terms of a business’ productivity and image—is to implement a cleaning schedule for all of the ventilation ducts.
Many studies have documented the impacts of poor indoor air quality. They have given rise to such terms as “sick building syndrome” (SBS), “building-related symptoms” and “building-related illness” (BRI).
This should come as no surprise considering that an improperly cleaned ventilation duct can harbor the following substances: carbon dioxide, smoke, ozone, perfume, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), microbial contaminants, mold and mildew, bacteria, fiberglass, asbestos, formaldehyde, toxic vapors, solvents, disinfectants, dust mites and more.
The experts at Antiflamme Purafiltre know how to optimize and extend the life of your ventilation and air treatment systems. They’ll employ blowers, vacuums and brushes to ensure that the quality of the air circulating through your building, offices or establishment is healthy. Call on our expertise to prevent problems that could end up having serious financial consequences down the road.